Tourguide in Vietnam

Travelogy Vietnam uses the services of some fifty French - English speaking guides throughout Indochina. This large number is justified by various reasons:
Our desire to guarantee the quality of support. More than a simple guide taking care of the logistical and organizational aspects, the guide must be able to tell you and help you experience local life.
To achieve this goal, we are pursuing a policy of regionalizing guides who are true experts in the region in which they work. So, during a trip through Vietnam with an extension to Cambodia, you will have a guide in the North, a guide in the Center and a guide in the South of the country and again a guide in Cambodia.
The variety of our tours. Which requires a specialization of tourguide. A guide specializing in monuments, for example, is not always able to accompany you on hikes against ethnic minorities.
The variety of our customers. A discreet guide that is appreciated by a cut of romantic travelers would probably not be suitable for accompanying a group of friends wishing to * party *. We must therefore be able to replace one guide by another when the traveler wishes.
Whatever their specialty or region, our guides all meet our own recruitment criteria, including the following:
They are diploma guides holding a professional exercise card issued by the State.
They speak French fluently
They are passionate about the places they take you
They are helpful and available
We are fully aware of the role of guides in the success of your trips.
This is why we are committed to a rigid selection process so that you are supported by real professionals.
Travelogy Vietnam team

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